tisdag 30 december 2008

Bob The Idea Man

Just over the past few months i have been looking into opening a new business. Not my first but yet one of my better ideas was to open up a famous franchise restaurant. To my dismay i found that to open it I would need a ridiculous amount of start up cash!!! Unfortunately like many Americans my credit was not so good so going to the bank for the money was out of the question. So I started looking for other ways to get the money.

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To my surprise there were a number of ready and willing investment firms on the Internet that were more than willing to ''give'' me the money. ''But'' and you knew there was going to be a big ''but''!! They wanted over a hundred dollars some sites wanted over two hundred dollars just to listen to my idea!!!! If I had any kind of savings I wouldn't be turning to them for the money. So I decided I would create this blog to help guys (and gals) like me who have a wealth of ideas but just no cash to get them started.

This guy is great!!!

Laptop Desk Adjustable to fit any height

Bob The Idea Man

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